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The recommendation for the establishment of a Fellowship Programme within the ASEM framework was first made by
the Asia-Europe Vision Group in 1999. The creation of an "ASEM scholarship Programme" was suggested, underscoring
that educational exchanges between Asia and Europe are key to establishing deeper understanding between the peoples
of the two continents. Later, in the Asia-Europe Cooperation
Framework 2000, Leaders defined the promotion of "enhanced
contact and strengthened mutual awareness between the people
of our two regions" as one of the key priorities for ASEM in the future.
In order to translate this priority into reality, the heads of Korea,
France and Singapore jointly proposed the "ASEM-DUO Fellowship
Programme (ASEM-DUO)" at ASEM 3 held in Seoul
and this initiative was endorsed by the summit.
To find more about what has been developed since then, please click here