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DUO-Sweden 2013 Application Call
admin 2013-04-22 14:56:30 459727

Summary of application information is as follows:

1. Application Period : April 22 - May 21 2013

2. Eligibility : Your exchange project fulfills all three requirements below.


1) An educational institution in Sweden (home institution) and an educational institution in Asia (host institution) have established an academic cooperative arrangement; and

2) The Swedish home institution has selected an EU national student enrolled at the home institution to send to the Asian host institution, and such selection has been accepted by the Asian host institution; and

3) The same Asian host institution has selected an Asian student enrolled at the host institution to send to the Swedish home institution, and such selection has been accepted by the same Swedish home institution.

3. Length of Exchange : The duration of fellowship is limited to one semester (or 4 months, whichever comes earlier).

4. Academic Field of Exchange : No restrictions

5. Application Submission : Swedish institutions fill out an Online Application Form through the website. Once completed, please make it sure to submit your application by clickling "submit" button. Home Institution should get a confirmation e-mail from the secretariat within 3 days after completion of submission. If you don't get a confirmation e-mail, please contact promptly. 
Thank you for your interest.

194    12/20
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