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DUO-Belgium/Wallonia-Brussels 2017 Call for Application
admin 2017-02-16 13:33:48 489438

Summary of Application Information is as follows:

1.    Application Period

·           15 February 2017 - 15 April 2017

·           No applicants will be accepted beyond the deadline of 15 April 2017.

2.    Eligibility

The applicants must meet ALL eligibility requirements:

·         Applicants must be member of the academic or scientific staff of an institution of a Wallonia-Brussels HEI or an Asian HEI (i.e. they must be remunerated by the HEI and it must be their main occupation).

·         The Wallonia-Brussels and Asian HEIs must be recognized/accredited by the competent authorities in the field of higher education;

·         The Asian institution must be located in one of the following countries : Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, New-Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam;

·         The Wallonia-Brussels and Asian HEIs must signed a cooperation agreement or must have expressed the intention to sign one in the two following years;

·         The applicants who already begun the exchange before the application period of the 2017 DUO-Wallonia/Brussels programme do not qualified for the grant;

·         According to the framework established by ASEM-DUO, the citizenship of the professors is not a criterion for eligibility;

·         The fellowship programme is open to all disciplines.

3.    funding and duration

For the academic year 2017-2018, the DUO Belgium/Wallonia-Brussels grants are awarded to a pair of professors for a project that should take place between August 2017 and August 2018.

The duration and the amount of the grants enter these conditions:

·         The duration of the exchange should be of at least one month (although the month can be divided in 2x15 days with a pause in between) and of maximum three months.

·         The amount of the grant awarded to the pair of professors is 5,600€ per month for the two professors (or a total amount of 17,000€ for a three month exchange for the pair).

·         This amount includes expenses linked to the exchange.

·         The grant will be paid off in instalments; the last instalment is paid after both professors have submitted a joint mission report (maximum 4 pages).

4.    How to submit an application?

4.1.   Documents to enclose

·         The completed 2017 application form for the DUO/Wallonia-Brussels Fellowship Programme (the document is available online on both the website of the ARES and ASEM-DUO). The application form must be typewritten and submitted in PDF format;

·         A copy of the academic cooperation agreement between paired institutions or the declaration of intent to sign one in the two following years;

·         The passport copies of the two applicants;

·         The r?sum? of both applicants ;

·         A description of the project undertaken during the exchange, or the description of the research conducted by the applicants (with detailed duration of the exchange). There is no text limit for the description.

4.2.   Submitting the application

·         The application must be formally submitted by the institution belonging to the FW-B, as ONE single PDF document to the following address :

·         An acknowledgement of receipt is sent to the applicants within 3 days after the reception of the application. Without any response after that time, please contact Florence MAERTENS (

·         Applicants who are not able to send their application by e-mail may send it by registered mail to:

Acad?mie de Recherche et d’Enseignement Sup?rieur (ARES)


Service des relations internationales

A l’attention de Florence MAERTENS

Rue Royale 180

B-1000 Bruxelles (Belgique)


·         The applicants are informed of the outcome of the selection by the 31 May 2017.

5.    Mission report

A mission report must be sent not later than two months after the end of the exchange. The report must, in 2 to 4 pages, present the mission, the objectives reached through the programme, some guidelines for improvement, etc. The document should bring to light the main advantages of the fellowship and the eventual weaknesses. This should be a documented reference for the next recipients.

6.    Contacts

For any information related to this announcement, please contact:


Acad?mie de Recherche et d’Enseignement sup?rieur ? ARES

Direction des relations internationales

Florence Maertens

Rue Royale 180 ? 1000 Bruxelles

T : +32 2 225 45 06

E :

H :

02. DUO Wallonia-Brussels 2017 General Description (English).pdf
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